Sales Training
is Not Enough

With Skylar, your reps learn by practice.
AI-driven roleplays. Instant feedback.
Tailored for your company.

“Never had I seen a team putting so much effort in training on their own”

Jay Edilin, Senior Director, Wove

“I wish I had this when I started”

Hans Eldblom, SDR, Databricks

“My team can now practice without me. What a time-saver!”

Marcus Holloway, Senior Director EMEA, Pinnacle

“Thanks to Skylar, our new hires are making me look like an amateur - and I'm the one who wrote the sales playbook!”

Morten Hagen, Head of Sales, SAM Labs

Make Training Work

Most sales training (87% to be exact) is forgotten within a month. And that's if your reps actually attend. Practice is what makes the difference. And practice is now possible. At scale.

Get started


Lifelike AI characters that impersonate your clients better than you ever will

Built for your company

We create an instance of Skylar in which we personalise all roleplays for your company

Drive Change

As your team practices on AI clients, they become confident in trying new motions. Then they start using them with real clients. Successfully.

And Consistency

Your reps want to learn from the best people on the team. We record your best reps and model the entire learning experience on them.

Ready to get started?

Send us a note and we will be in touch right away.

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